
hello world

hey guys, ria here

i'm trying to get this website back in tip top shape but feel free to hang out here and yeah


9/06/24 -> found a new layout for the diary page, older journal entries will no longer be available to read. sorry but they're old and i want a blank slate. removed some options in the home page that were just clutter for stuff i probably won't add for a while

8/28/24 -> starting to work on this again... oh boy here we go

12/14/23 -> beginning gradual christmas update...

10/21/23 -> halloween soundtrack just dropped... feel free to drop spooky tune recs in my music journal's rec box!

10/16/23 -> i'm alive, i promise. been very very busy and distracted, but i miss updating this site! i'll see if i can figure out a better system soon...

1:53 am: SURPRISE HALLOWEEN UPDATE, work in progress

8/9/23 -> made the guestbook link a button and added an email address, it took me forever just to choose what pixels and stuff to use i feel insane

8/8/23 -> completed the music journal page's shell! you can submit song recs there now hehehe. i'll steadily work on adding the pages on the sidebar, but for now you get music news, song of the day and my music binging logs

8/5/23 -> minimal edits to the music journal page. added a lyric of the day section :)

8/2/23 -> added a literary log section. the resources list is currently a work in progress, working on putting together the music journal page since last night

8/1/23 -> oh my god it's august. i've added a resources section, since i'd like to compile all my ref links somewhere for myself and others!

7/25/23 -> shrine page updated with a preliminary list of characters to make shrines for

7/23/23 -> moved the site updates into a scrollbox after messing around long enough, now i can order this better

7/22/23 -> edited the footer description. i joined the null webring and linked their ring widget to the bottom of my page. i'm curious to see what this brings! i've never been a part of a webring before.


12:40 am: guestbook added. sign it?

7/14/23 -> more stamps + blinkies in the "about" page! also team sonic is here now :)

7/13/23 -> linked the "about" page to the homepage, about to customize the hell out of it...

2:15 am: "about" page customization has successfully begun. just gotta find some more stamps and make it even cooler than it is now hehehehe. the "rambles" page is also up and linked to the sidebar!

2:45 am: every other page on the sidebar currently has been created and linked. i feel unstoppable

7/12/23 -> went absolutely nuts with the stamps and blinkies, new mood status, changed the homepage site name and set a favicon! FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO SET CUSTOM BULLET ICONS! "about" page is in progress...

fuck it we ball - nimiria 2024